How do I rent the bike?

Answer: With your payment card or with the app. A red light behind the saddle means that you have successfully rented the bike

Freebike team

Last Update 2 years ago

Picture manual

Check the website to see how to rent the Freebike city bike:

Using your payment card (Tap and Ride)

  1. Wake up the bike by squeezing a brake lever
  2. Tap your payment card on the card reader behind the saddle.
  3. Check the handlebar display
  4. Once the red back light stays on, you are ready to go

Using the Freebike app

  1. Get Freebike 2.0 app from the App store
  2. Create a user account using your phone number
  3. Pick a suitable tariff (Pay as you go, daily - weekly - monthly)
  4. Pay for the tariff using your payment card (card will be saved for future payments)
  5. Press START RIDE button on the map screen
  6. Scan the QR code behind the saddle
  7. Tap Start Ride again and Confirm

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